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Vital Records
Anyone who believes Lincoln is listed on their vital record, may request a copy from the Town Clerk in person or through the mail by filling out an application. Per Maine State statute, we are unable to process this type of request via phone, fax, or email. If you have any questions, contact the Town Clerk.
Birth & Death Certificates
To request a copy of a birth or death certificate, please complete the Vital Records Form with proper identification and proof of eligibility. The fee for a certified copy is $15.00 for the first copy and $6.00 for each additional copy of the same record ordered at the same time. The fee for a non-certified copy is $5.00. Send the application, supporting documents, check or money order payable to Town of Lincoln, and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Attn: Ann Morrison, Town Clerk
Lincoln Town Office
29 Main Street,
Lincoln, ME 04457
Marriage Certificates
To receive a copy of a marriage certificate, please complete the Vital Records Form with proper identification and proof of eligibility. The fee for a certified copy is $15.00 for the first copy and $6.00 for each additional copy of the same record ordered at the same time. The fee for a non-certified copy is $5.00. Send the application, supporting documents, check or money order payable to Town of Lincoln, and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Attn: Ann Morrison, Town Clerk
Lincoln Town Office
29 Main Street,
Lincoln, ME 04457
Marriage Licenses
Maine Residents must apply in the town or city in which they reside. For couples who maintain separate Maine residences, they can apply in one of the communities of residence. If either applicant is a Maine resident and the fiancé/fiancée resides out-of-state, both applicants should apply in the town of residence of the Maine resident. Out-of-State Residents may apply in any town and hold the ceremony in any town. The license is valid in any community in Maine for a period of 90 days from the date the intentions are filed.
Prepare the following:
Intention of Marriage Form (notarized signatures required)
Proof of identity (ie. driver’s license, passport, state ID)
Record of Social Security Numbers
If either applicant has been previously married, a certified copy of the death certificate or divorce decree, whichever ended the previous marriage
$40 filing fee
Both applicants must bring the materials from step 1 to the office of the Town Clerk prior to the ceremony. You do not need an appointment, but we will not begin processing an application after 4:30pm.
The marriage license is completed by an officiant who is legally qualified to perform a marriage in Maine and signed by two witnesses. The officiant returns the license to the Town Clerk’s department for filing.
Certified copies are available through the Town Clerk’s Office by request only. Simply follow the instructions under the “Marriage Certificates” section above.

Ann Morrison
Town Clerk | Registrar of Voters | Elections Supervisor
207-794-3372 Ext 9