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Town Council

The Town of Lincoln has a Council-Manager form of government and acts as the general legislative body of the municipality by representing all Lincoln residents. The Town Council is a seven member board consisting of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and five regular members. The Councilors’ duties and responsibilities are governed by the Town Charter. Members of the Town Council are elected each November and serve for three years. Terms are staggered so that no more than three Councilors are elected during a single election. The Town Clerk serves as Clerk of the Council, preparing and maintaining the Council’s records.

Regular Town Council meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm, unless it is a federal holiday. Special meetings may be held at other times with proper notice. If you would like to submit an agenda item for a Town Council meeting, submissions are due to the Town Clerk two weeks prior to the meeting. 

During Town Council meetings, Lincoln residents and/or taxpayers are encouraged to speak during the public forum portion of the meeting.   You can also view meetings on the Towns YouTube page, The Council can agree to hear from a person who is not a Lincoln resident or taxpayer on limited occasions if doing so will advance Council efforts.

You can access video recordings, agendas, and materials from past Town Council meetings under Meeting Archives. If you would like to request printed materials or additional documents, you must submit a Freedom of Access request to the Town Clerk.

Next Meeting
Monday, April 14, 2025

Council Meetings are live streamed to the following Youtube channel:

Or on Zoom






Upcoming Town Council Meetings

April 14, 2025

May 12, 2025

June 9, 2025


Top Row, Left to Right
Jared McCarthy (term expires 2026), Daniel Summer (term expires 2025),
John Trask, Chair, (Term expires 2025), Stephen Clay, Vice Chair (Term expires 2027)
Bottom Row, Left to Right
Gordon Street (Term expires 2026), Marcella Ireland (Term expires 2025),
Sheldon Hanington (Term expires 2027)

Any councilor can be emailed at

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