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Bodies of Water & Boat Landings
With nearly 70 miles of shore frontage, 19 miles of river frontage, and over 4,300 acres of water, Lincoln is a great place to enjoy time outdoors.

Center Pond​
Center Pond can be accessed by Center Pond Drive off of Route 6. Center Pond is warm water. It is 202 acres with a mean depth of 7 feet and a maximum depth of 12 feet. This pond has white and yellow perch and pickerel.
Center Pond

Cold Stream Pond​
The boat launch for Cold Stream Pond is on the Old Hatchery Road off Route 188 in Enfield and has a large parking lot that can accommodate boat trailers. Cold Stream Pond is a deep water, spring fed lake. It has a total area of 3619 acres. Its mean depth is 20 feet and its maximum depth of 104 feet. You can catch salmon, brook trout, lake trout, white and yellow perch, and pickerel. Cold Stream Pond is a great place to see loons. People swim at the small beach by the boat landing, but Morgan's Beach in Enfield is also popular destination.
Public Boat Launch: (primitive, carry in site) 45° 17' 49.631"N / 68° 31' 32.268"W 19 Go Devil Road
Cold Stream Pond

Crooked Pond​
One way to access this pond is by boat through Folsom Pond. This pond has a total area of 240 acres with a mean depth of 13 feet and a maximum depth of 30 feet. This pond has smallmouth bass, white perch, pickerel, hornpout, and an occasional trout. Crooked Pond is another great pond to spot a loon.
Crooked Pond

Edwards Family
Children's Fishing Pond
This pond is located on Airport Road off of Access Road. This fishing pond is specifically for children ages 15 and under and it is stocked with trout. It has a covered picnic table and is a really fun place for families to enjoy their day.
Public Access: 45° 21' 26.459"N / 68° 32' 4.452"W 33 Airport Road
Edwards Family Children's Fishing Pond

Long Pond, Caribou Pond,
& Egg Pond
These three ponds are connected and the best way to access them is from the public boat launch on the Sweet Road. Caribou Pond is the biggest of the three and Egg Pond is the smallest. They have a combined total area of 823 acres, mean depth of 16 feet, and maximum depth of 46 feet. You can catch large and smallmouth bass, white and yellow perch, and pickerel. On Caribou, you can find beaver dams, and all three of these ponds are home to loons.
Long Pond Public Boat Launch: 45° 24' 35.207"N / 68° 26' 6.468"W Long Pond Road
Long Pond, Caribou Pond, & Egg Pond

Mattanawcook Pond
Located right in the heart of town, Mattanawcook Pond is part of what makes Lincoln's downtown so special. Prince Thomas Park features a sandy public beach, basketball courts, a playground, and a public boat launch. Mattanawcook Junior High and Cobb Field are also on its shore. The total area is 832 acres with a mean depth of 9 feet and a maximum depth of 20 feet. Mattanawcook offers good small mouth bass, pickerel, and white perch fishing along with an occasional trout. It is also a great spot for ice fishing.
Public Boat Launch: 45° 21' 43.848"N / 68° 30' 4.319"W Lake Street
Mattanawcook pond

Rocky Brook
Rocky Brook is located at 398 Transalpine Road right at the bottom of the hill. This brook is specifically for children ages 15 and under and has amazing brook trout fishing.
Rocky Brook

Stump Pond AKA Snag Pond
The public boat launch for Stump Pond is on Frost St. The pond is 202 acres with a mean depth of 7 feet and a maximum depth of 13 feet. It has large and small mouth bass, white and yellow perch, and pickerel. Pretty decent fishing on the shore of this pond especially right by the dam. You may even see a loon or two.
Public Boat Launch: 45° 23' 2.363"N / 68° 28' 37.271"W Frost Street
Stump Pond

Folsom Pond​
Folsom Pond can be accessed by taking Transalpine Road and turning left onto Folsom Pond Road. The pond is 385 acres with a mean depth of 7 feet and a maximum depth of 18 feet. This pond has great small and big mouth bass fishing; you can also catch an occasional brook trout. Loons live on Folsom Pond.
Public Boat Launch: (can also access Crooked Pond) 45° 20' 28.428"N / 68° 26' 53.771"W 500 Folsom Pond Road
Folsom Pond

Madagascal Pond​
Madagascal Pond has an area of 750 acres and has a maximum depth of 35 feet. This pond has pickerel and white perch in abundance. Access to Madagascal is all private roads, though; there are no public boat launches.
Madagascal Pond

Penobscot River
The Penobscot River is the longest River that is entirely in Maine and it is the second biggest water source in New England. There is a boat launch and picnic area on the river in South Lincoln on Route 2. The Lincoln area is host to some of the greatest bass fishing in the world on the mighty Penobscot. There is good fishing on the shore, but your best bet would be to take a boat and go near the little islands in the river. A boat ride down the Penobscot is a good chance to see wildlife, maybe even a bald eagle or a moose.
South Lincoln Public Boat Launch: 45° 20" 30.516"N / 68° 34' 11.964"W 735 West Broadway
Penobscot River

Round Pond​
Round Pond is a kettle hole pond in a scenic setting of spruce and white birch. To get there, take Weir Pond Road from Route 6, then Lincoln-Topsfield Road. There is a boat landing. The pond consists of 81 acres with a mean depth of 8 feet and a maximum depth of 15 feet. This pond has brook trout and pickerel. You may see a loon or other wildlife at Round Pond.
Round Pond

Upper Cold Stream PonD
Upper Cold Stream Pond (aka Little Narrows and Big Narrows) are two lakes separated by “the Culvert” on Transalpine Road. They have a combined area of 648 acres. Big Narrows has a mean depth of 28 feet and a max. depth of 66 feet. Little Narrows has a max. depth of 32 feet. Both lakes have great salmon, brook trout, lake trout, white and yellow perch, pickerel, and chub fishing and are great for loon watching.
Little Narrows Public Boat Launch: 45° 18’13.0”N / 68°27’29.1”W 900 Transalpine Rd
Big Narrows Public Boat Launch: 45° 17' 40.523"N / 68° 29' 22.379"W Furrough Lane
Upper Cold Stream Pond

Upper Pond​
Upper Pond is both a cold and warm water pond. It can be accessed by taking Transalpine Road, turning onto Folsom Pond Road, and then taking Pierce Webber Road. The pond area is 730 acres with a maximum depth of 34 feet. Sucker Brook, one of the major tributaries, has excellent spawning and nursery areas for brook trout. The fish in the pond include brook trout, white and yellow perch, and suckers. Upper Pond is also home to loons.